Oblongulated thoughts...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

where has the blogging gone?

Yes, that's a good question, if you remove the word 'blogging' and insert the word 'time' it actually has exactly the same answer.. it's pretty much the same question.

Hmm, since I wrote... I went to Steph's party (hours late after completely forgetting, falling asleep on the lounge, being woken up by mum telling me steph was on the phone, steph reminding me what night it was and then me feeling terrible and making mum drive me to her place so i wouldn't waste another hour with getting lost)... um i worked a lot... Wilson had one of her 'yule ball' things... yesterday was a showjump school at John and Pip's, which was fantastic (as always)......then Jasha's party was last night... twas good..... Wilson came up with great idea of buying him a unicycle, so that was good... ummm yeah i think that's about all that's been happening/... mainly working.. I was meant to be going to Wilson's tonight but I am so asleep at the moment... It's amazing how easily the last two weeks can be summarised into a paragraph, no?

Yeah.. so that's all really. I've got American Idiot stuck in my head at the moment. I like Greenday, they write songs which actually say something... not like those stupid dance music songs which have two words at the most, and even those are so messed with that you can't understand them.. tis pathetic... anyway, that's just what I think.

Hummmm yeah, i should do my OH&S assessment.. it was due on thursday.. so i started it yesterday morning and will finish it tonight.. oops.



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