Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, April 07, 2006

getting better i think

Well after two fairly terrible working days without food, but with a lot of dizziness etc i think I am beginning to be able to eat, i actually managed half a slice of bread this morning.. amazing..

I'm meant to leave in... 4 minutes... and I'm not changed, so this is going to have to be really quick.

Wow writing that makes it seem like there is something I have to say that's really important or something.. there's not, I just wanted to post something because my blog is really boring at the moment.

I met a guy yesterday, I can't remember what his name was, but he's made me want to do a uni course (I just haven't been able to find a uni yet that actually has it, and the one that should has it doesn't have a website that works.. grr)... Animal oseopathy, actually equine osteopathy to be more specific, but I think you have to do it for all animals. He was telling me about how he did his undergrad course in animal osteopathy and then went and did a post-grad course in equine chiropractics because there was no post-grad osteopathy course. That is so what I want to do! Just to try and make a bit more sense, he came to Gendy's to see one of the polo ponies, it was really amazing, he found all the points on this horse that were sore and sort of either relieved it or started to (cause some of the soreness was so old that it would take ages to fix).. so yes, maybe I will go to uni, and that's what I'll do. Animal Osteopathy. Now all I need to find is a uni that does it... gar! lol

Ok well I'm actually meant to be leaving now, so I'll go get dressed. I'll try to write more tonight... really I will.. lol I know, I probably won't... oh well, everyone can read Wilson's blog if they need something new and different to read... except willy... um... I dunno.



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