Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Inspired by my wonderful book of haiku, Leah and I have created a blog of our own haiku. These aren't based on novels (although some may be in the future).. They are just based on anything at all. The site is: http://deeplysignificanthaiku.blogspot.com/.. enjoy. Feel free to inform us of any wonderful haiku you have written in your spare time (lol) and we will happily add it to the blog.

Well Macarthur is going well-ish. I was really happy with my dressage but it didn't get marked too well (62%) so that's rather annoying. Oh well, I'm sure I'll live, anyway it means that the pressure is off entirely, which is good.

I'm researching Vitamin B at the moment. I've been told that my horse might have a deficiency, and I previously knew nothing about vitamin B (except what's in the vegemite ads) but have since found out that there are lots of benefits to it and also how it would help my horse to get more energy from his food because he gets tired quite easily, despite being fit. So that is all very interesting.

Interestingly enough I solved our country's problems today. I know, amazing you say. Well, here was my idea. People complain about the rising petrol prices. So if there was to be good public transport, which ran on time and could get to and from anywhere then more people would use it because it would be cheaper than paying for petrol. This would make the environmentalists happy because it would reduce the number of cars used, and thus the amount of pollution in the atmosphere. It would also make the government happy, because although they may lose some of the income that they make on petrol, they would probably receive it back in public transport fares. The government would also have the added benefit of being able to show how wonderful they are because they have managed the transport issue, helped the environment AND made people happy. Travelling by public transport would be more enjoyable because the busdrivers etc would be happier, because they would now rank higher on the employment hierarchy and become an integral part of people's lives. It would make for more community spirit, as travelling together daily would mean that most people would probably form some sort of friendship with fellow travellers. It would make commuters happier because everything would run efficiently, and thus they would get to work on time and not be as stressed throughout their day. It would make those who worry about the amount of importing Australia does happy, because cars are usually imported to Australia, and very rarely exported, which means that Australia loses money, if there were less cars however then there would be less worry about how much money we are losing because of our high wages etc. While you may say that it would make the people who own petrol stations unhappy, I disagree, the people who own the petrol stations would still have buses buying their petrol from them, and should there still be a problem, they can always get into the new high-ranking job as someone in the public transport system. Overall, I think it is a good idea.

Feel free to comment. Actually, please comment, because I really want someone to tell me what a great idea it is. My mother just nodded. It was very disheartening. If you are going to say that there is something wrong with the idea please don't comment. No I'm just kidding, you can comment, you just have to tell me five other reasons why it is a good plan :P.

OK I am going to go and read my "BHS Complete Manual of Stable Management" (BHS being the British Horse Society).. It is very interesting stuff. OK, tata.


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