Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, March 06, 2006

First day of workkkkk

Okidokie, so its... 6:47a.m. and today is my first day of work for Gendy. Unfortunately I have to wake up at 6:30 rather than seven until both my horses move to her place, because I have to feed them, give them an hour to eat and then let them out. So yes. I've decided that my school jersey will be my long sleeve alternative to my polo shirt. I've also decided that in winter I'll have to get a long sleeve shirt, one of those thickish cotton ones. Like the ones John Grisham always talks about in his novels for some reason. Sandra had one for work and it was really good, and useful, and all that. So that is my plan.

Hum hum. I'm sort of half excited and half not. I've always sort of hoped that she would ask me to be her groom, and when Kylie left and she hired Charlotte I was a little umm (i have the words annoyed and upset in my head.. whats a less powerful word for upset? Lol OK well you know what I mean.. unhappy, but not.) __________. Then when she got rid of Charlotte I was happy again, and when she asked me I was really happy. The only thing I'm not all that happy about is the whole thing with working from 8-5 (with an hour for lunch). I mean, that is a lot of time. On the upside though, I do get Saturdays and Mondays off. Although I'm competing a lot so I'll probably spend my saturday competing and have to give up my Monday to make up for not doing Sunday. Oh well, I can deal with that!!

So yesterday I went to a dressage competition in the morning. Fox was good, he got 67% in the 2.2 and came fourth, and in te 2.1 he got 68% and also came fourth. So that was good. It was harder competition than last week. Hopefully next weekend at Macarthur it will be really easy competition! Hehehehe!

I spent my afternoon instructing at pony club. It was pretty bad, they sort of hand you 15 kids on ponies and say "teach them something about ________ (insert possible discipline here)" For example yesterday it was "teach them something about equitation"... Now equitation is a rather hard concept to grasp for someone my age, to ask a group of 5-10 year olds to grasp it is just impossible. Needless to say I think it was a complete and utter failure, but the kids seemed happy, and their parents seemed to think they learnt something (where they got that idea I'm not sure, but oh well)... So yeah, that was my afternoon.

After that I was sort of 'alternate realityish' (yes that does make sense) from the heat.. Very sort of spaced out.. So I lay down on the lounge and read two chapters of Bleak House and fell asleep. I woke up for dinner, and then watched CSI Miami (have I mentioned before how hilarious I find Horatio in CSI Miami???I swear it's the only reason I watch) then I went to bed.

OK well I have to go have some breakfast and make my lunch for today.. Getting changed would also probably be a good option. OK, tata!


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