Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Work work work

Hehe as I write this, my hit counter is up to 198.. After I post this it will be at 199 (unless someone looks at my blog between now and then).. Hm, I wonder who will be the 200th?

OK so yes, I went to work. Now I'm tired, and sunburnt, must remember sunscreen tomorrow. I also need a bigger hat. I have a better idea of my timetable from now on. It's changed a little.

Monday-day off
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday (when not competing) -
-6:30 wake up
-7:10 leave for work
-8 start work
-12 lunch break
-1 start back
-5 finish work
-5:30 go to gym (not Sunday)
-6:30 drive home
-7:10 get home, have dinner, sit around a bit, blog (hehe had to add that in)
-8 do an hour of Cert III work
-9 do whatever

-6:30 wake up
-7:00 do hour of Level Ones
-8:00 get ready for work, sit around, blog, read etc
-9:10 leave for work
-10 start work
-1 lunch break
-2 start back
-7 finish work and drive home
-7:40 arrive home, watch TV (hehe Wednesday is TV night)

Saturday - Day off

If I have a competition on Sunday I will work on Monday instead. Every second Tuesday I also have my Level Ones, so hopefully that will only take two extra hours and I can make it up at some point.

Darcy will hopefully move to Gendy's next week, because otherwise I'm not going to have a chance to work him at all... and he needs work. Poor bubby, he always gets left behind, and I feel really sorry for him. For this week I think I'll skip the gym and come home and ride him :D that will make him happy.

So, today!

Today I had to wash the 7 polo ponies because the farrier was meant to come at 10 to shoe them, and the clipping lady (Sharron) was meant to come at 11 to clip their manes and tales. Needless to say, Sharron was on time and the farrier was an hour late (they always are.. it seems to be principle). I discovered that Bobby and Walter are friends (these are polo ponies by the way) and can't be seperated, Bobby also constantly spooks for no reason and breaks whatever she is tied to. Pete and Vixen are friends, Pete is hard to catch and Vixen is headshy (she wouldn't let me put the bridle on). Cos, Don and Danger are owned by a guy called Willzy. Cos is generally a pain in the ass about most things, Don is good, and Danger is good. Luckily we only had a few horses escape etc.

The deal with polo ponies is that they get turned out for three months at the end of each season, then brought back into work and competed every weekend for three months. After that I'm guessing they either get turned out again or just stay in work, then compete for the next three month season. So these ponies have just come in from being turned out for three months, which is why they were particularly bad to handle, and why they were being clipped, shod etc.

This all took until lunch. After lunch I was meant to wash the float and ride them all to make sure they weren't going to be naughty. I didn't end up getting a chance to wash the float because riding/rugging/catching loose horses took forever. Then we just fed them all and I went home.

Tomorrow we take Fox up and I'll start riding the ponies on the track, which won't take as long because you just ride one and lead three then ride one and lead two. So not long at all to do.

Hum, it's very tiring. Hopefully the money will be worth it (at least because the days are so long I won't have time to spend it all). Ah well, only a year and hopefully I will be working for myself. I'm also not sure where in all this I am meant to fit in teaching lessons. I guess I'll just have to do that in the afternoons while the days are still long, and then move to doing them in the mornings or on my days off. Will have to see. Anyway, it's all very busy.

OK well I should go. Tata


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