Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Boring old blog

I apologise for the boring-ness of my blog lately. I have no real inspiration, hence the daily timetable thing.

Today and tomorrow I'm competing at Macarthur. It should be fun. I hope so anyway!!!

Yeah, so I've spent the week working. It's not as tiring as Pip and John's was, but still tiring nonetheless. I think at Gendy's it's more to do with the heat than the actual workload. She called me yesterday. Oh wait, that's right.

Gendy went into hospital on Thursday cause she has some sort of infection. So Thursday and Friday I was on my own, except when Hugh came up to have a chat. Hugh is an interesting person, I shall discuss him. He is Gendy's husband. He is quite good looking but pretty shy, I mean in the 3...4 years I've been going to Gendy he would have said 'hi' twice, and never any more than that if I did see him. Since I've started working for her he's all friendly and comes over to have a chat with me, and discusses my horse and his horses etc. He also attempted to teach me how the pump works (sadly anything mechanical just eludes me, so that was useless.. but he tried). Anyway, he works a lot so I don't really see him there all that much.

So anyway Gendy called me yesterday because apparently she is bored. Hahaha. Trust her to be bored. Poor thing though, cause she was in heaps of pain on Wednesday, so it can't exactly be good. Anyway, amoung other things she asked me to weed the garden around her house - did I mention that grooming includes a huge range of jobs, and not a lot of them have anything to do with the horses?!

Yeah.. so that's about all really.

Apparently I'm going to the RSL with Amanda on Saturday night. I asked mum to drive me and she goes "how much are you planning on drinking?" and I said that the fumes of alcohol is probably enough to put me over the limit, so to have one drink is far too much. She forgets these things. She's also a very suspicious creature. Anyway, should be fun.

Um well I'm going to go, cause we have to leave to pick Fox up in.... 39 minutes, and I have to have a shower. Tata. Will write more (hopefully something interesting) tonight.


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