Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

sleep in!

Hehehe I don't start work until 1pm today, so i got to sleep in, mind you i didn't manage to get past 8:15 before I just couldnt lie there any longer, but that's ok... it's one extra hour.. sort of...

I'm feeling quite guilty, I was meant to be working hard on my Cert III stuff so that I would be up to date.. On monday I did three topics (the first semester is made up of six units, which are made up of however many topics which are made up of however many.. well they don't have a name, [GAR ALL THE STUFF ID WRITTEN AFTER THAT JUST DISAPPEARED!!!] so I'll call them subjects).. so now I have 15 to go... 4 today, 4 tomorrow and then 5 on my day off... sounds acheivable!!! lol then we're into next week.. when I'll have a heap more to finish.. But I'll be up to date.. so that's ok... I can do this! Lol!

Hmm so my shopping list/things to do this morning is:
-deposit cheque (hehe nice healthy bank account for me)
-buy hoof oil
-buy float boots
-buy french snaffle (lol part of a bridle...I left mine on the wheel arch of the float as we drove away.. so it's somewhere on Peats Ridge Road....)
-buy sugar cubes
-work on Cert III

That's quite a lot... Better actually start eh? Tata!


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