Oblongulated thoughts...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

5 year plan

I've been working on my five year plan. At the moment all the stuff in the 'work' column depends on whether we buy the property we're looking at in Richmond. You see, if we don't, we will probably end up moving onto a smaller acreage, and I will probably end up working at a whole heap of different places before I end up on my own proper property. I was actually thinking that after working for Gendy for a year maybe I could go back and work at Pip and John's for somewhere between 6 months and a year, because I know that Sandra will be going home in a year, and so will the new girl, Ashleigh.. So that would work. After that maybe I would spend two months in england, come home for a few months and then spend two months in germany, or maybe do the whole lot in one go and spend a month in each country. Before I compete at Adelaide Internationals I would want to spend at least two months training with Gill Rolton (the 2 time Olympian who lives in SA). Maybe even some time with the Tinneys.. Have to see about that one though!

I think this all sounds very exciting, and I've also worked out how I can pull it off. You see, everything I earn while working for Gendy will be saved, once I've bought a dressage saddle (which I need). The same thing while I'm at Pip and John's (I'll pay all the usual expenses etc, but most of it will be saved) and this money will pay for my time overseas, as well as what it will cost me to keep Fox at Pip and John's while I go overseas. I know that this is based on the assumption that they'll let me work there, but I think they will!

It also means that I would have to put off my diploma for a year, but that doesn't matter, I'll have my certificate three by then, so I'll know a fair bit of that stuff, and what I do at Pip and John's would be more 'hands on' experience. I would also have my Level Ones, which wouldn't necessarily help me while I'm there, but at least I wouldn't be thinking about how I have to do that!!!This time I would also try to stay up there the whole time pretty much, rather than driving home every time I have a day off. Anyway, I don't really have any of my school friends around at the moment! :P so I think it sounds like a good idea! I can see my riding friends at any of the events I go to. Any opinions? Hehehe!

OK well I'm going to get off the net and continue writing this down on my plan.. I'm very excited. It's a pretty good alternative to that property, cause mum doesn't seem to believe that we can afford it :(. Oh well, it means that in a few years we will be able to move somewhere fantastic.

Tata (I will actually try and write something sooner than a week from now)


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