Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Okidokie, I have a dilemma.

Today I was talking to Sandy's coach. This man was one of (or possibly THE) best rider in Australia a few years ago. He is also the biggest dickhead I've ever met. Today however he was in a good mood, so I was talking to him and he was actually quite interesting.

In the middle of the conversation he happened to say that maybe he could give me a few lessons. Now, here is my dilemma:

Part of me is saying that I need all the help I can get, and this was one of the best riders in the country, and when he's not being a dickhead he is really interesting and could teach me HEAPS.

The other part of me is saying that he is the biggest dickhead I've ever met and I just don't want to go there.

Usually I would go with the rational part, but the problem is that both the little voices in my head are telling the truth - I could learn a lot and he is a dickhead.

So. What to do?

My gut is telling me that I could have one lesson, if I hate it then there is no reason for me to have another one, but then my gut is also telling me I'm hungry so I'm thinking its mind isn't really on the job. Hmm..

Please give me some sort of response because I am very confused right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Long time reader, first time commenter (i think).

Morality and conscience are quite annoying. The fact that your having this dilema only serves to prove you are a normal person.

I say that if the offer is good, then in this case the ends do justify the means. (as long as he doesnt cause you any harm)

That said, i dont know what you mean by dickhead. If he's a chauvanisitc egotistical meglomaniac that thrives on insulting other people, then i would take one lesson to make sure your impression of him is right and if you make it without any permenanet psychological or physiological damage then finish off those lessons.

Good Luck with your riding.

1:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hmmn - yeah it does depend on what u mean by dickhead - but i think u should do one lesson - he's obviously good and u would learn lots, then if he is an utter bastard don't do any more. Love ya girl

6:31 pm  
Blogger Oblong said...

haha the comment up the top sounds like someone who listens to the shebang! hehehe ... ta

11:26 am  

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