Oblongulated thoughts...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

where has the blogging gone?

Yes, that's a good question, if you remove the word 'blogging' and insert the word 'time' it actually has exactly the same answer.. it's pretty much the same question.

Hmm, since I wrote... I went to Steph's party (hours late after completely forgetting, falling asleep on the lounge, being woken up by mum telling me steph was on the phone, steph reminding me what night it was and then me feeling terrible and making mum drive me to her place so i wouldn't waste another hour with getting lost)... um i worked a lot... Wilson had one of her 'yule ball' things... yesterday was a showjump school at John and Pip's, which was fantastic (as always)......then Jasha's party was last night... twas good..... Wilson came up with great idea of buying him a unicycle, so that was good... ummm yeah i think that's about all that's been happening/... mainly working.. I was meant to be going to Wilson's tonight but I am so asleep at the moment... It's amazing how easily the last two weeks can be summarised into a paragraph, no?

Yeah.. so that's all really. I've got American Idiot stuck in my head at the moment. I like Greenday, they write songs which actually say something... not like those stupid dance music songs which have two words at the most, and even those are so messed with that you can't understand them.. tis pathetic... anyway, that's just what I think.

Hummmm yeah, i should do my OH&S assessment.. it was due on thursday.. so i started it yesterday morning and will finish it tonight.. oops.


Friday, April 07, 2006

getting better i think

Well after two fairly terrible working days without food, but with a lot of dizziness etc i think I am beginning to be able to eat, i actually managed half a slice of bread this morning.. amazing..

I'm meant to leave in... 4 minutes... and I'm not changed, so this is going to have to be really quick.

Wow writing that makes it seem like there is something I have to say that's really important or something.. there's not, I just wanted to post something because my blog is really boring at the moment.

I met a guy yesterday, I can't remember what his name was, but he's made me want to do a uni course (I just haven't been able to find a uni yet that actually has it, and the one that should has it doesn't have a website that works.. grr)... Animal oseopathy, actually equine osteopathy to be more specific, but I think you have to do it for all animals. He was telling me about how he did his undergrad course in animal osteopathy and then went and did a post-grad course in equine chiropractics because there was no post-grad osteopathy course. That is so what I want to do! Just to try and make a bit more sense, he came to Gendy's to see one of the polo ponies, it was really amazing, he found all the points on this horse that were sore and sort of either relieved it or started to (cause some of the soreness was so old that it would take ages to fix).. so yes, maybe I will go to uni, and that's what I'll do. Animal Osteopathy. Now all I need to find is a uni that does it... gar! lol

Ok well I'm actually meant to be leaving now, so I'll go get dressed. I'll try to write more tonight... really I will.. lol I know, I probably won't... oh well, everyone can read Wilson's blog if they need something new and different to read... except willy... um... I dunno.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006



Just thought you'd like to know that. Well, on the monday after oberon I had a day off, which I spent sleeping for two hours, waking up because all the muscles in my body were aching or cramping or just generally doing painful things, sleeping for two hours... etc etc etc..this continued through monday night, i took yesterday off as well and did the same thing yesterday... in the afternoon though I discovered that it was fine if i didn't eat anything, so I didn't, but mum made me eat dinner, so I did the same thing all night and now this morning as well. Fun. But I am working today, I'm just going to go a bit later, and not eat anything.

Anyway, I had better get changed etc. that is my little rant and rave about feeling sick.. grr... so yeah, hope everyone else is fine and dandy... tata

Monday, April 03, 2006


Well.. another day off.. yay... haha I love this daylight saving thing (actually I don't but for one minute I actually liked it) because for once in my life I could say "wow I only slept in until 6:45" and be telling the truth.. Yay!

Well, yeah, I went to Oberon yesterday.. Fox did a really great dressage test - 66% and ended up 5th after that (with only 1.2 points between us and first).. then we knocked three rails.. grr.. and dropped to 12th... grrr... then he was quite good cross country... not great for the first part of the course, but he got better and was excellent by the end. We also went too fast (you get penalised for being more than 20 seconds under the 'optimum time') so that was good, because we are usually too slow. I don't know how we ended up, we left before the final results were posted because the day had run really late, and it takes 3 hours to get home from there..

The day ran really late because of a terrible accident in the cross country. A girl (one of Penny's grooms) finished her cross country, and as she finished the horse died of a massive annurism (not sure how to spell that, but basically a bubble in your artery that explodes) so basically it just fell over and she did a face plant.. she was knocked out. It was Penny's horse. Now to me, this is the only case where you would have to say that it's almost a good thing she was knocked out. She won't remember what happened, and I suppose that for that she's lucky. The really scary part with her is that she didn't wake up, so the ambulance people weren't willing to take her anywhere until they could revive her. So they called a helicopter in. Now this girl speaks Swedish, with quite a limited amount of English, and they say that with big head injuries etc you revert back to your original language, so Penny's other Swedish groom was trying to talk to her to revive her, but she couldn't travel in the helicopter with her, which meant that if she woke up in the helicopter she was going to wake up to the ambulance people who couldnt even explain to her where she was or what happened. It would be very scary. I hope she's ok.

Penny on the other hand lost her horse, and had to call this girl's parents to tell them what had happened to their daughter. I can't even imagine what she's going through.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Bye.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

late as usual

I was meant to have this morning to do useful things, clean gear, do washing etc. Instead I woke up half an hour late, so now I have something like 25 minutes before I have to go and all I've done is read Wilson's and Terry's blogs. I know I shouldn't have come on here, but I was eating my breakfast, and that's always accompanied with looking at blogs, so how could I help that BOTH of them had posted?

I only wanted to write on here cause I'm in a bad mood. I need a Growlery. (Steph should know what I mean). I'm nearly halfway through Bleak House by the way, it's getting more interesting, but because I can only read for an hour a day it's difficult to remember who all the (millions of) characters are. Hopefully it will make sense at the end, because if it doesn't I don't know that I'm going to be able to get myself to read it again to find out what it's meant to mean!

OK I'm going to go. Tata!