Oblongulated thoughts...

Monday, June 05, 2006

Singing in the rain

What is this strange stuff falling from the sky I wonder? Anyway, I love it, because I went to work this morning, fed the horses then got told I could go home! So now I can do my TAFE work and have a PROPER day off this weekend! Woot! I also rang this lady about a job, so that's good, I think I have it (she seemed to be saying that).. just have to wait for her to ring me back and tell me when to start etc. yay! I also talked to Renee yesterday who said that she knows of a job that I can do the other three days a week which only takes from 7-9am.. so that's very easy for me! Double woot!

Anyway, I should probably actually DO some TAFE work, seeing as that was my original plan. Then I'm going to watch some form of video/movie and then do some research for my train-to-teach day next tuesday... then do some research before the pc committee meeting on wednesday. OK.. I think that's all. Tata!


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