Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Yes, it is INCREDIBLY hot at the moment. I think it got near 40 degrees today! And I was WORKING! lol but I actually got a 4 hour lunch break and a swim, so I managed to stay sane enough!! Oh, and I'm actually up in mangrove at the moment, on Deidre's computer. We were fixing up Pip and John's website, so I decided to write something on here and check my e-mails seeing as I was already up here.

Oh, and their website is www.mypage.tsn.cc/fsh if anyone is interested. You can see piccies of the foals etc.

I had a lesson with Pip today, it was incredibly hard work (specially because it was around midday at the time). Very very very very good though! Haha I can't wait to compete again, Foxy and I are going to blitz them all! Hehehehe and my competitive streak is going to get even worse lol!

Umm I don't really have all that much to say to tell the truth. i think I'll leave it at that. I hope everyone has a good New Years Eve and makes resolutions that they will actually keep. I will post mine on here some time after new years.


Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day Ritual.

I think I told Steph that I would be free on Boxing Day. I'm sorry, I forgot the Boxing Day Ritual. That is where all our old family friends get together for the day. It's usually fun, so I'm not complaining. Mind you, I haven't heard from Steph so I don't think I'm actually missing out on anything!

I went looking for some blank CDs this morning. I went to Galston, where I found out that only the supermarket was open. I drove to Castle Towers, to find that only the cinemas were open. I drove back to Middle Dural to find that everything was open, but despite the supermarket having a huge range of batteries and VCR tapes, they didn't stock blank CDs. None of the shops did. I think that's rather typical, my two days off which I could use to buy things that I need, and I can't because all the damn shops are closed or unuseful!!! Geez! lol so that was my morning fun. It was actually quite a nice drive though. It's so good to drive around places that I actually know again.

How do I update my MSN on this thing? Cause I have a really really old one and it doesn't have that little updatey notice for me to click. Maybe MSN.com? I will try that tonight. No, not tonight. I will be back at Falcon Park tonight, and thus be without internet once more.

I will have lots of lollies though. Both my grandmother and my uncle bought me lollies, heaps of them. I mean a plastic bag full of different types of lollies! Crazy, no? I don't exactly know what I'm meant to do with all of them. I don't mean that I don't realise that lollies are meant to be eaten, my point is that I have no real time or inclination to eat all of them, and it's highly likely that they will all melt in my car on the way up there like the last lot.

Actually, that's an interesting story. I had some lollies... like jellybabies or something. I put the packet in my car, on the passenger seat (unopened), next to that was my hairbrush and my camera. I arrived in Mangrove to find the gooey sugary liquid leaking out of the packed (through where?!!?!!?!?!?!). There was already a huge puddle on the seat, which the camera and hairbrush were stuck in. I got the camera out and cleaned it-luckily it still works. I haven't had the guts yet to try and clean the seat or remove the hairbrush. Do you think if there is a really cold day the whole thing will solidify and I will just be able to scrape it off the seat? GAR! Stupid lollies!!! I think I will put the ones I was given yesterday into about a million plastic bags before they are allowed anywhere near my car.

I don't really have anything else to say. My life isn't all that interesting. Our guests are 20 minutes late though. They are usually an hour late, so I still have 40 minutes of waiting. Surely I can win a game of spider solitaire in that time?


Sunday, December 25, 2005


Wow, I am writing this on my new laptop. Yes, mine, not one that my father can take from me in just a few weeks. It is very exciting. It actually has Windows XP (shuddup, that's a new thing for me).. It has a screen that actually WORKS, it can burn CDs and DVDs (again, something completely new to me) and I can use the internet- only when I am at home, because I don't have a phoneline at Falcon Park. I'm in love with it already.

I am still trying to learn how to type on it. It sounds strange, but the keys are in slightly different places to the ones on the PC so I keep hitting the wrong ones.

The other great thing about today was that due to me having my license, and a car, I only had to stay at my uncle's house for lunch for as long as I wanted to. It felt so great to get up and say "ok I should go now" and then just leave... Ahhh bliss... They are probably still there, still talking about motorbikes.. Still boring old farts! lol

This new year is going to be a good one. I'm going to make it a good one. I am going to decide what I want to do, I am going to do it, and I am going to enjoy it. My newest philosophy is that everything is what you make it, I know it's an old philosophy, but for me it is new. I think I am finally beginning to realise that you are only happy if you allow yourself to be, and only unhappy if you allow yourself to be. From now onwards, as much as possible, I am only allowing myself to be happy. Sound good? I think so

OK well I'm off to feed my horse, a rare thing at the moment. I enjoy it. Tata!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Useless post

According to Steph, I should update my blog. Firstly I think that's a little hypocritical coming from Steph, and secondly I think it is completely pointless because what I am busy doing at the moment is of little interest to anyone but me.

Did that sound sophisticated to anyone else? I read something the other day which I wrote in... year 11 or 10, and then read what I've been writing in the diary I have for my time at Pip and John's. The difference in the way I write is amazing. I don't mean the font, I mean the language and grammar etc. Maybe all the work I put into English this year paid off after all.

See Steph? Pointless.

After getting my results and my UAI I am considering actually going to university. Don't act too surprised. I think now that everyone has stopped telling me to I am much more willing. I refuse to tell my parents about it though, they will be overjoyed and annoy me again. I know that sounds like I'm one of those teenagers who is determined not to do anything their parents want them to do, just because their parents want them to. I just don't want to tell them because when I am doing something that happens to coincide with my parents wishes they start trying to run my life entirely and I end up with no say. I want a say. I did school because they told me to, and I refuse to do uni just because they tell me to. If I do anything from now on it is because I want to do it. Does that make any sense? It probably sounds like exactly the same thing, but there is a difference.

OK, so. I am working at Falcon Park at the moment. It is an amazing place. It is incredibly hard work, incredibly tough (mentally and physically) and I spend half the time hating it and half the time loving it. It has taken me three and a half weeks to win John's approval (I think I won it yesterday), as well as a fair bit of pain. I think I won it when I led a two year old mare from her paddock. This involved her trying to pull away, rearing, rushing, pushing me into a fence resulting in me pulling a muscle in my shoulder, getting rope burn and having her stand on my foot, BUT I didn't let go, so John was happy with me. After that I got a "good job" which is about the highest praise he gives anyone. I was very proud.

Other than that I have been taught the basics all over again because everything has to be done the way they want. It makes me feel incredibly ignorant and stupid a lot of the time. They are really nice people though, I'm not saying that they're not. They are just tough.

I really don't know what else to say considering who reads this, except perhaps how nice the people there are. John and Pip gave me some really nice chocolates and a bangley thing and Pip's mum, Deidre gave me new riding gloves. Thoughtful, no?

Anyway, I'm going to finally give up (don't cheer too loud). Tata