Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So the new semester of TAFE has started. I'm trying to get a head start so that I'm not behind again. Hopefully I'll manage to get myself ahead of where I need to be... that would be nice!

Hum at the moment I'm adding lyrics to the songs on my iPod. Possibly not all that useful but I'm doing it anyway.

Apparently there is a dance class in richmond on thursday nights. I was thinking of joining, it's only $60 for five lessons, which is hardly that expensive!

I have a jumping lesson with John on saturday. I'm very excited. I love my lessons up there, and I haven't had a private jump lesson in ages. Well, since I was working there actually. So it should be great!

I also bought a new dressage saddle, so my bank account is looking rather sad at the moment. I love my saddle. Hehehe. Maybe it will help me win at my next event which is at Camden in two weeks... It's not likely, seeing as it's my first international event... but oh well, I can dream!!!!

I was thinking last night about what I would have done after school if i didn't ride. It's interesting. I'm wondering if I could do it, even if that's not my main aim... Unfortunately it would require a 4 year uni course, which I can't really imagine myself doing.. but you never know.... lol... who am I kidding, of course I know that I won't do that!! I can't imagine dedicating four years to uni, no matter what the course is!!!

Yeaah I think that's all I have to say. Tata.

Friday, July 07, 2006

lots of things to do

I've decided to get all my odd jobs done today, so that I can be happily lazy for the next little while. So I have to:
wash my horse's rugs etc
wash my clothes
do my level one horse management exam
ring Kaye about working for her
create the one day event draw for pc
confirm that gendy can judge at the one day event
print my entry for worrigee
get my FEI registration number off the FEI website
print my entry for sydney 3 day
unpack another box of books (2 more!! woot)
organise my corner of the garage so i can actually get to things
clean out my car
list the things to put on ebay
put all unwanted clothes into a bag
print the writing competition details
finish typing the Marcus Oldham reading list
finish my NCAS books

Lol that was long and boring wasn't it?

Mum and I are going to see Pirates of the Carribbean tonight at the cinema at Richmond. should be fun. I hope!

Our friends bought a 10 acre property in Kurrajong yesterday, which is great, because it means they will live right near us. I'm also sort of hoping that they will let me keep my horse there because at the moment it is costing me $140 a week to keep my horse where he is, and I can't really afford that!!!

I had a dressage lesson with Pip yesterday, it was so great. I love it so much up there... *sigh*... I want to go back!!!!!!!!! Really I do!!!

I saw an ad in a magazine yesterday for a place in portugal, where you can get 7 nights accomodation including meals, plus 11 lessons on classically trained horses.... sort of like the el caballa blanco horses if that makes more sense to people.. it would be INCREDIBLE! I want to go! So now I am going to save for that too!! Of course, I'm not sure if it's worth the airfares to fly to portugal for a week.. oh well, I'll just have to go somewhere else as well! Maybe I can add it into my month in germany or something!

OK well I think that's all for the moment. Tata!

Monday, July 03, 2006


Well I am very proud to say that today I have woken up at 7:30 and between then and now (three hours) I have done absolutely nothing. I woke up, read my book, went downstairs, had breakfast, finished my book, watched mum garden, came up here and I've been looking at random websites since.

Love the leisure.

yeah, so, I have nothing interesting to write, sad as that is. This doing nothing doesn't really make for interesting news. Hmm.. I looked at the information to enter Sydney 3 Day... it's going to cost me nearly $700 just to enter!!!!! not to mention petrol etc. Gar!!! How am I meant to save that much? I'll have to start teaching a LOT of lessons!!!

Um. yeah. I'm going to get changed. Tata!