Oblongulated thoughts...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The battle of marathon was..........in greece?

FARTS I have done NOTHING for ancient, and I'm really starting to regret it right about now... Extension one is nearly finished.. I've done my two english exams and my maths exam (which i finished after an hour and 45 mins then left.. lol)... but i have a feeling extension one and ancient are going to kill me.. Hospitality is a waste of time...

OK so I just realised (well i didn't JUST realise, it was just that I hadn't really considered the consequences before) that in extension one, the name of the module we are doing is "Ways of thinking", and one of the paradigms is "philosophical".. Now my handy dandy little dictionary defines "philosophy" as "n: any system of beliefs or values, a personal outlook or viewpoint".. in other words, philosophy is ways of thinking.. Gar... so what am i meant to talk about? or more to the point, what can I leave out? cause i have one of those massive lever arch folder full of notes, a 5 subject book full of notes... plus about 15 novels sitting on my desk and a whole heap of essays and speeches and letters from the time saved on my computer... ALL of them show a way of thinking of the time!!! PFFT! Not to mention my three core texts and 3 related texts.. geez! Can you tell I'm stressing slightly about this subject? Me too. I tried to write an essay, and I ended up only writing on the economic paradigm and it was over a page, typed, size 10 font...with just 3 texts and one paradigm!!! geez!!

I'm going to study ancient.. The battle of marathon (I always liked that one).. wish me luck! *imagined cries of "Good luck!!!"* thankyou, I feel much better! lol

Friday, October 14, 2005

maths question

with the maths question at the bottom of the last post.. 25 and 76 are angles, x is the whole bottom line...

96th post! Getting closer!!

across the night....

Lol for some reason the moment this page opened, that song popped into my head. Very odd.

Welllll I went to squad beijing... I REALLY WANT TO GET IN!!!!!! lol anyways... Yeah it was good.. I hope I get in.. I want to get in.. I really really really want to get in.. OK I have nothing more to say about it..

Today was/is a very successful day... I bought a new rug for Fox.. It's made out of soft fly meshy stuff.. like the old basketball jerseys.. so it keeps the flies off him but keeps him cool too.. Goodo..

Anyway, before I went into Horseland, I dropped in at school to see if mr hird had marked my bunch of essays I handed him yesterday.. I felt very bad at the time cause he had just finished telling me how sick he was when I handed him a whole pile of them.. but apparently he was healthy today so i didn't feel too guilty (lol maybe my wonderful essays are a cure to sickness? lol)... anyway apparently they ALL make sense! I am soooo proud!!! lol I did one for journeys, Lear and telling the truth (which is probably why they all make sense, as opposed to if I did...... In the wild for instance....).. Yay!! No more study for me! lol just kidding.. I've also worked out my creative thing for journeys.. see you can't plan exactly... BUUUTTT I figured that because the question has to be fairly broad, if I came up with a character and a plot and worked out how to fit it to any text type I can be asked to write in, it should work.. I hope!

Anyyywayyyyy after my 20 minute chat about my wonderful essays (lol) and a fair bit of how to make them more wonderful.. I went to the towers.. You see mum had given me her credit card for the horse rug, she then rang me and told me there was a really nice dress at myer and i should go and look at it.. So I did.. and i love it.. and i bought it... and I broke one of the straps!! GRRRR.. Lucky I liked the damn thing, I would hate to have been forced to buy it if I didn't like it.. Seriously though, all i did was take it off the hanger and the damn strap broke! Geeezz! But it's ok cause I can sew it back on and it will probably be stronger than it was in the first place.... Even better thing about this dress.. ITS NOT BLACK!! WOOO!! lol.. Sadly I didn't have Steph's grandmother there, and I am colourfully-impaired.. so I'm not sure if the colour suits me, but too bad, I'll deal with it I'm sure.

So that was/is my day.. This arvo I am going to ride both my horses.. take the dogs for a walk... do another practice multiple choice thing for maths, and attempt to do SOME ancient study...

Speaking of practice multiple choice... I did two maths ones yesterday.. First one I got 90% (18/20) and the second one I got 95% (19/20).. how this happened without me working on maths I'm not too sure, but it's good...... Has anyone noticed that having the practice papers for maths on the net is entirely useless if they don't give you the answers? I have.. Cause I'm not going to go to my maths teacher and ask him to mark it... Firstly I hate the man and have already celebrated never having to see him again, and secondly (probably the more important reason which should have been first) he will most likely get the questions wrong, like he used to do in class... so as you can see I am in a dilemma..

Ooo another maths-related thing.. What is the difference between discrete, continuous, stratified (or whatever it is) and categorical data??? I have no idea what any of them mean... Allllssoooo If you have a right angle triangle with another hypotenuse in the middle.. so you have a big right angle triangle and a small right angle triangle within it... and they give you the verticle height (which is on the right) which is 100.. and...farts I don't know how to explain it.. can you draw stuff on a blog? I'll check.. OK the picture isn't very good.. if you click on it you will actually be able to see it properly.... HOW DO YOU FIND x???

Monday, October 10, 2005

State ODE

Competed at State One Day Event this weekend.. It was at Harden.. so 5 hours away.. that's a bloody long drive. Specially when there's only one CD for when the radio runs out near Berrima.. (which is about half way there)... I had fun.. Came 5th... All that jazz.. my horse was good...

We spent nearly the whole trip listening to the phantom of the opera CD... I love that music.. I usually hate opera and all that stuff, but I love the story... just listening to the CD makes me want to cry.

I hate people asking me what I want to do after school. I hate hearing their opinions on something that is my choice. What does it matter to them if I'm poor? I don't see how it has any influence over them at all. I don't see how going to uni makes your life any better. I don't see why people insist on telling me about 'reality', let's face it, 'reality' is just a label people have put on something they can't even prove exists. It's a perception, so telling me about the reality of their life is quite useless. Some people are willing to accept mediocrity, I'm not, and I'm sick of people telling me that "that's life", well that's their life, and to be honest (and rather selfish) I'm not particularly interested in their life. Mediocrity is boring. I would rather be poor, living on the streets and die of hunger but be able to say that I tried as hard as I could to be everything I wanted to be than to reach middle age and tell people who are just getting out of school that they will never reach their goals, or that they will give up on their goals, just because I did. That's terrible. People in the movies say that they will do something or die trying, well to me that's my motto. I don't care what it takes, I will get to where I want to be, or I'll make a bloody good attempt of it. I hate people judging me based on what I think... I know I judge them on the same thing, but I don't usually tell them about it.

Maybe I've been thinking too much about this "Individual and Society" thing, but say I don't reach my goals, say I do run out of money and die of starvation in a gutter somewhere (unlikely i know, but still).. what does that say about the society we live in? That we have to accept mediocrity to survive? Some people are happy with mediocrity, and that's good for them, I have no problem with it.. but I don't want their opinions on my ambitions, I don't give my opinion on theirs.. Let's face it, I would never want to work in some international company and make millions and millions of dollars, but I admire the people who do. I would never want to be a 'stay at home mum' who looks after a heap of kids and brings them up to be great people, but good on those people who do... People value different things.. and I don't value money very much.. or clothes, or music, or cars or anything like that. Society shouldn't be able to dictate what you want in life, and it shouldn't be able to dictate what you do with your life.

OK so now that I've gone on about that for the millionth time.....

This is my blog's 94th post.. isn't that exciting?

I have a Squad Beijing assessment day tomorrow. How scary. I hope I get in! I really really really want to! I know I started out saying I didn't care, and it would be a good experience anyway, but I really want to get in!!! I should go ride.... I've been writing this on and off for 5 hours.. lol... At least I did SOME study in that time!!!!
