Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Okidokie, I have a dilemma.

Today I was talking to Sandy's coach. This man was one of (or possibly THE) best rider in Australia a few years ago. He is also the biggest dickhead I've ever met. Today however he was in a good mood, so I was talking to him and he was actually quite interesting.

In the middle of the conversation he happened to say that maybe he could give me a few lessons. Now, here is my dilemma:

Part of me is saying that I need all the help I can get, and this was one of the best riders in the country, and when he's not being a dickhead he is really interesting and could teach me HEAPS.

The other part of me is saying that he is the biggest dickhead I've ever met and I just don't want to go there.

Usually I would go with the rational part, but the problem is that both the little voices in my head are telling the truth - I could learn a lot and he is a dickhead.

So. What to do?

My gut is telling me that I could have one lesson, if I hate it then there is no reason for me to have another one, but then my gut is also telling me I'm hungry so I'm thinking its mind isn't really on the job. Hmm..

Please give me some sort of response because I am very confused right now.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

christmas is coming... gar

hehehe just thought i should write something to confirm that I am actually alive.

Basically I've just been working a lot. TAFE finished last friday, and im going to defer everything till semester two next year (if that's actually possible) because I just don't cope very well with working all day then getting home and working on TAFE until I go to sleep.. It was annoying me no end.

People keep talking about christmas, and I wish they wouldn't. When am I supposed to go shopping??
This weekend is competitions and the diamond lodge christmas party (diamond lodge is where I work)
Next weekend is competition both days
Next weekend is falcon sporthorses christmas party (place I used to work)
weekend after that is the 23rd and 24th of december!!! GAR!!!!
after that is new years
after that is sandys party and my birthday
after that is... *drum roll* NOTHING! WOOT!!!

So it looks like I will be either doing my christmas shopping on the 23rd and 24th (not a good idea) or on a thursday night (don't like that idea much better)... arg arg arg arg arg! christmas is so annoying...

Anyways that's all from me, I'm having a shower and going to bed. Tata!

By the way- I'm still alive.