Oblongulated thoughts...

Sunday, March 27, 2005


OK well it's easter sunday (hmm who would have guessed?) apparently my dad is trying to prove his wish to become a father by giving me this ferrero rocher egg.. Im quite impressed, he even remembered to take the price off it.. maybe he's trying to outdo mum, if he is i wish he wouldn't.. I mean I don't really want or need all this chocolate, I have no will power when it comes to food andI know I'm just going to eat it, feel sick then wish that I hadn't been given anything.. So maybe next time I can just ask for them not to give me anything, or maybe just one of those little cadbury eggs you get in a packet for $1.95.. Then I could have my chocolate fix but not feel sick, just savour the taste!
I went to the show yesterday.. bought a spongebob hat lol! Anyway I watched some showjumping but also the RDA (Riding for Disabled) Horse Of The Year competition.. It was really good to watch, and plus I want to volunteer there next year.. Like everything it has to wait until next year, bloody typical! Hmm I worked out yesterday that I think I've spent.. 97 months at school! lol I think that's right.. cause its ten months from feb to nov.... then take out about 2 months for holidays in between..... yeah I think that would be about right... 8x12+1=97 wow!
So anyway I should go, I'm going to eat something (NOT CHOCOLATE DAMNIT!) and then continue digging my ditch in the back paddock.. I've finished one completely, then I dug a really small one on friday so now I'm going to dig another one.. It's very relaxing, except for my back muscles... They seem to hate it, and friday night they had a little rebellion so that I couldn't get up yesterday! Funnn anyways tata!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Oh dear! Lol for the first time I've experienced what it means to get stressed about an exam! Lets just set the scene, I'm nice and calm, I go to school, check the time of my exam again cause its in the wrong box. Yup, still 1:05pm... I go to the bathroom, get a drink bla bla bla.. Look at my phone and theres a message from wilson asking where I was. I go and look at the sheet it still says 1:05... Confused so I ring willy, she doesnt pick up. She mentioned leah in her message so I ring leah, who tells me the exam was at nine. I panick and run down to the social science staff room.. no mrs evans and no mr brisco.. i go to the senior school office and listen to the receptionist talking about her dog for a while... finally she hangs up and bla bla bla so she comes with me to mr parringtons office, mr parrington gives me a lecture about reading things (apparently there was a notice, who knew?!) so anyway i found out that Ash H missed it too, goodo! lol so we both did it while the extension maths people did their exam (what a bunch of nutcases! lol).
So anyway needless to say after all that stress i completely forgot what the hell a wanax was!!
But the news (or what I had planned on being the news before the exam saga) was that I had my first proper driving lesson today! Haha my guys name is Hardy and he's funny, sounds exactly like Rishi (which was pretty confusing for a while!).. It was fun though... I accidently turned off the car in the middle of the road cause he was trying to tell me where you turn the lights on and i turned the key instead lol! oh and the stupid blinkers are on the left, do you know how annoying that is?!?!?!!?!?!? Anywaysssssss i think thats all for now, tata!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Im back

Well I'm back and I've ditched the [*]s! MY internet hasn't worked since my last post but now it does so I am very happy! It means that I may actually get a decent mark for extension one (tehe no im not going to explain that link! Be creative and work it out for yourself)
Funnily enough I now own Fox. Long story and I can't be bothered going into it! Nciky has now moved to America for three months.
We are in the middle of our half yearlies! lol that just sounds weird if you think about it. Actually I'm in the middle, other people seem to have less exams to go! Oh well! You get that don't ya? Did hospitality today, what a joke, she GAVE us the exam! Our teacher is such a loser!
This arvo leah is coming over and were going to study maths for tomorrow, something I really need to do.
For the moment though I'm going to study classical dressage, it seems to be very detailed! Tata