A tourist in my own city
We stayed in the city overnight and decided to do the touristy thing and go to Taronga Zoo. I'm not really the biggest fan of zoos personally, but it ended up being quite fun.
My favourite photo from the zoo!!! Hehehe
A very 'human' look...
Was strange though, Leica and Sandy were pointing out typical things that just about everyone seems to know, but I'd never seen them before (except maybe on TV or something). The other amazing thing was trying to work out how long it's been since I've been into the city. I worked out the last time I was there was on the legal studies excursion. Only 3 years ago. I also worked out that the last time I travelled on a ferry was about the last time I went to the zoo.. which would have been when I was around 8 or something and we went there on some endlessly boring school excursion. Fun. It is a funny thing to realise though, that some of the international tourists that were at the zoo knew their way around the city better than I do, and I've lived within an hour of it my entire life.
I guess the other thing that amazed me was the shops. I'm not a huge shopper. I've become slightly more interested since I've become a government worker (hehehe) and actually had money to spend on clothes and a place to wear them every day... but I just can't see how you can spend $100+ on some top that looks like a pillow case with some sequins stuck on it. I just don't get it. I mean, whatever floats your boat, sure, but is there a point at which you think "is this worth spending my money on?"
Hmm I wonder. I'm very pondering at the moment.
For those of you who don't know me, I spend a lot of time pondering the important issues in life, politics, world issues, the stockmarket.
For those of you who do know me, that's bullshit. I ponder things to get out of work. Pure and simple (and brilliant, so when your boss comes past and asks why you haven't done somethign you can ask for their opinions on global warning)
I think that's all I have to say.