Oblongulated thoughts...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

work work work work

I'm not sure I'll actually be able to publish this cause the window is all funny.
Terry I'm taking your advise and writing on my blog while at work. I have a sheet of properties I'm menat to be locating but they are all frustrating me cause I've already done all the ones I can cheat on and have left the rest till last.

I got my marks back from my practical assessment for TAFE. Full marks! WOOT! Go me! Yayayayayyayayay! hahaha some of my class are pretty bad. Actually, most of them are. One of the assessments was out of 270, I got 270, the average mark was 24. Another one was out of 70, i got 70, average mark was 2. I'm not joking. Weird, eh?

Uni plans are still going ahead. Have been looking at jobs in vet clinics and is looking promising.

Am also trying to plan a trip between christmas and new years. I'm thinking something that's very random and unplanned as far as destination goes. Something along the lines of a spontaneous road trip. i.e. drive along till I reach a place that looks interesting, stop there etc etc. When I get 3 and a half days into it i have to try and work out how to get back in the same amount of time. It's proving difficult to plan an unplanned trip. hehehe. anyone wanna come along??

I'm sooooooooo tired. I finally got home last night and had to unpack from my 4 nights at rydges, and actually speak to my mother cause I've been home one night from wednesday to tuesday.

Hahaha I've also decided what I can get chris and terry for christmas, I'm thinking a 20 cent coin and a small cardboard box. i might even throw in the empty mcflurry cups too if I'm feeling particularly generous!

Anyways I should do some work. More later (when I get bored again, which could be in the next two minutes or so!) tata!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I sold my soul to the DPI...

So, as a result of my joblessness and the fact that unfortunately if anything life is generally costing me more at the moment, I have been forced to 'sell my soul to the DPI' in order to survive. Funnily enough I actually really enjoy it. I never wanted a 'desk job', and those funny career assessment people told me that I should never do any sort of clerical work, and yet here I am, being not only a call centre person, but being promoted to the organisational/planning side of the operation. Pretty cool. I also get meals for free, double time on sundays and I earn pretty much more in one sunday than I do in a week as a groom. On the other hand it's 12 hour days (which I was doing before but without the extra 3 hours of driving per day), with 7 days on 2 off... Admittedly, it's not something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life, but the people are just great and it has helped me make a decision I've been battling with for a while.

I've decided to go to uni.

I've decided I am smart enough to get into the course I've always wanted to do, and i've decided I can cope with the job on the other side of the course.

Any guesses which course?

Need to do a year of something else before I can be considered, then will apply to all unis offering the course and see what happens. Talked to Sydney and apparently all I have to do is get a distinction in this other course and they'll consider me. Not much at all really! What's a distinction? 90% or something? hahaha too easy! Well I live in hope!

Typically I'm not actually doing the pre-course course until 2009 cause I have some other stuff I have to do next year... Not that I like to plan things early or anything! Which means that if I got in straight away after just one year in that course I would graduate from uni in.... 2015 depending on the uni... hmmm

Interesting thought though (and it's a good thing I have a year to work out this side of it) I somehow have to get a job to pay for me and my horse while I'm at uni, and still have time to ride my horse, study and sleep (probably in that order too) any suggestions?