Oblongulated thoughts...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Gee that wasn't hard at all!!!!

Well! FINALLY my computer decided to stop being a pain in the ass and not let me upgrade to the new blogger, because blogger won't let you blog until you upgrade. Grrr... its been a while since I posted, that is why. Not my fault!


Went to an event at SIEC (horsely park) and came fourth in the one*! Woo!!!! Foxy and I have hit the big time! lol! not really, but I like to believe that's the case!

Sandy went and did a bug-on-the-windscreen impersonation at Camden event on the weekend so I've been working all the horses this week (hurt her back).. I rode 7 yesterday and 6 today (only cause I didn't ride mine) I also taught two lessons this arvo. It's actually quite fun if a bit exhausting.

Now own both series of House on DVD. I tried to rebel against the show for ages, but watched two episodes and discovered I really like it, so now I'm addicted (naturally).

Have been listening to those camp eden ads on the radio and so I finally took their advice last night and looked at the website. Looks good, maybe I'll do that for a week when I finish working for Sandy. Then go overseas and work over there for 3 months, then come back here and do it myself. Mmm should be good. The future looks exciting.

Anyways, think that's all. Have a great quote from Frasier (must update my quote book sometime soon):

Frasier: So, how did it go?
Niles: Her lips said 'no', but her eyes said 'read my lips'
