Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, August 11, 2006

neglected blog

Wow, I've neglected my blog so much lately that it's forgotten me, I had to sign in today and couldn't remember my password! Oooops!

OK well I finished at Sandy's on Friday, which was a shame, cause I really enjoyed working there.. but oh well!

Then I fed horses for some crazy woman on the weekend... See I answered her ad in JUNE about feeding horses and cleaning stables from Thursday to Sunday.. She told me she would ring me back, so she rang me back LAST THURSDAY to tell me that she wanted me to feed horses that weekend.. then I meet her and find out she is a lunatic... gar... anyway, she sent me a message just then (8:30pm on friday night) to tell me that she doesn't want me to work this weekend after all.. Good, because I already made plans!

Then on Sunday night Nicky rings me (Gendy's sister) she tells me that she's housesitting for a guy (happens to be one of the best jumping riders in Australia, with a wife who has just been selected to ride in the World Equestrian Games in the dressage.. but anyway..) she said they are short staffed and she needs someone to clean stables for 2 or 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for the next two weeks until the guy gets back.. So I'm doing that at the moment, this week til today, then Sunday, then 5 days next week...

Then Sandy rings me tonight and asks if I can feed her horses for her tomorrow...

Lol so I have literally worked every day since last monday and will continue to work every day until next friday.. pretty cool! lol money for me! hahaha, and it will just go straight back into payin agistment for my horses!

I just can't believe my luck with jobs, for a few weeks there I didn't think I was going to have one... and since then I've just had great luck, hopefully it will continue!! I also like only working 3 hours a day.. it's nice!

Okidokie well that is an update from me. TAFE isn't going all that well... gar... anyways tata!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

So. News.


I am spending two weeks working for a person called Sandy Lucas at the moment (finish there this Friday).. She is an eventer, and she has a new groom starting work next monday but didn't have anyone for two weeks so she asked if I'd help her out. It's been good, although the early mornings are getting to me, I don't wake up well in the dark!

What else? My horses are moving to a new place next monday, I can't afford to keep them where they are living now.. so hopefully they will be happy in their new home. I'll be happier with them there anyway!!!

Humm.. Lots of TAFE work to do. They keep having these workshops at the most inconvenient times! There is one in the middle of next week, but I can't leave my horse without work for three days right before our next competition, so I don't exactly know how I am meant to do my practical assessment for TAFE!!! Gar! I'm never going to finish this course at this rate!!!

Hum hum. I was meant to be trying to organise to go down to Canberra.. but that's also very difficult. The problem is that I really want to compete at Sydney International 3Day this year, but to get there I need to do a lot of work!!! So until the 10th of September I can't see myself having a lot of free time....

Went to Camden on the weekend, Saturday was really disappointing, but Sunday was good. I thought I did a good dressage test on the saturday but it got a really bad score, then we knocked 6 rails in the showjumping, so I didn't get the qualifying round I wanted for Sydney 3 day.. which was REALLY disappointing... Cross country was on Sunday and that was fun, the jumps were really big and technical etc and Fox was a star and did it all brilliantly! Woot!

Anyway I really need to do some TAFE work, so tata!!!