Oblongulated thoughts...

Friday, January 13, 2006


I want to organise some sort of gathering for when I come home. I don't want it to be a birthday party, and I don't want it to be a welcoming party. I want to just go out and see a movie or something. Anyone interested? Anyone know of any movies? Trust me, I won't have seen any. Actually, what would be really nice is if someone would organise it for me! Hehehe, just kidding. But I was thinking the first of Feb? Can people please SMS me some ideas/suggestions/anything.. Maybe it could be an "everyone is going off to uni and leaving me" gathering. I think that sounds good!! Especially for those who are buggering off to another state!!!!! *cough cough*... anyway, I should go (I'm on Deidre's computer)... tata

Oh and happy birthday Peter (I don't think he actually reads this thing but oh well.. I'll send him a telepathic message to read it now)